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— Downtime reporting

Prototyping UX improvement Tablet interface


  • Adaptable visual hierarchy based on context

  • Less entry repetition through presets and duplication

  • Clearer interface enabling further distance (e.g. when mounted)

  • Simple to edit and complete report when requested

  • Easier to submit feedback

  • Visual clarity for all nationalities


A selection of steps from the Operator user flow — aiming to prevent menu diving by expanding and collapsing categories.


Idle screen with simple access to previous Reports


Content clearly divided into main actions and secondary information


Menu items using full screen estate for improved touch precision and hierarchical navigation


Dropdown allowing for quick swapping between top tier Categories


Sent view allowing Report to be saved as preset for recurring events


Sidebar access to saved Presets for quick duplication


The interface becomes easier to scan and read using large buttons in combination with icons. Shortcuts in sidebar also allows even faster entries.

In situ example of the main menu

Goals check

  • Visual hierarchy adapting based on context

  • Less entry repetition through presets and duplication

  • Clearer interface enabling further distance (e.g. when mounted)

  • Simple to edit and complete report when requested

  • Easier to submit feedback

  • Visual clarity for all nationalities

Next steps

  • Test on-site and observe

  • A/B test variations, see which performs best and validates metrics

  • Lo-fi prototype with interactions to be used by Operators
