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Product design Native app Swedish

Feature - Points

Create a home for the gamified part of the app where the user gets a clear overview of points gathered (if any) and what level they need to reach in order to unlock the next rebate.

A section of the onboarding journey mapped out, including the option to have multiple pets insured

The view gets divided into two sections, with the top acting as navigation in-between past, present & future levels - and the lower one showcasing the discount cards included.

The user can easily swipe to see future unactivated cards, prompting further points collection. A toggle in the top right also makes it possible to swap between dog(s) and cat(s) if applicable.

Feature - Multiple pets

Allow the user to navigate between added pets during an ongoing sign-up, if multiple ones are to be insured at the same time.

Overview of adding pets and assigning a customised insurance package to each

When presented with proposed insurance packages the user can simply tap down a menu containing added animals, select one and choose custom pricing for each or same package applied to all.

This allows for the user to seamlessly compare and adjust in a parallel fashion without breaking the flow.

An animation tailored for outdoor campaigns, introducing and differentiating Lassie in 10 seconds